Madurai South, one of the prime regions of the temple city, will flourish under our leadership laden with dedication, quality, and cultural values. The problems you face are my problems too. The questions you raise are my questions too. It is my duty to get your problems and questions heard and resolved. I am your voice, and I will be your voice. My team will work hard to deliver what is by your rights to help you lead a prosperous life. The efforts directed so far towards the welfare of the residents of Madurai South have been the best and we will uphold our valour and values forever.
The political road I travel on has one clear objective - to serve my people and lead a happiness-filled community even if it takes to clear past difficult roads.
Together we have earned our freedom.
Together we have protested for our rights.
Together we have celebrated our victory.
Because what’s better than joining a noble cause for the future of our country?
So, become a part of my team, let’s stay together and claim what is rightfully yours.